A new Hungarian invention:


The game is an alternative to the usual 2D chess. The first really 3D chess in the World.
Each chess peace can move along 3D lines and diagonals.
It develops space vision tremendously Try it!
One example is how the queen moves and captures:

How to play space chess?

The basic principle is the spatial extention of the rules of the usual chess into the third dimension. Thus the chess pieces can move along spatial lines and diagonals besides the traditional two dimensional lines and diagonals. The spatial square is physically only marked at those chess pieces which are actually in play: first we place the level support to the selected place, then we put the chess piece on it. Vertically the chess pieces must not move and they must not stand above each other. We understand that a spatial line is the one which ascends or decends one level along a one square distance.

The pawn moves along a straight line one square on its level or the adjacent level (or two squares at the start) or captures a piece diagonally along a 2D or 3D diagonal.

The rook can move or capture in a 2D or 3D line in its column or row any number of squares, while it can pass under or over the chess pieces in the neighbouring levels.

The bishop can move and capture along 2D or 3D diagonals, while like in the case of the rook it can pass under or over the chess pieces in the neighbouring levels.

The knight moves and captures in 2D or 3D „L” shapes. In a 3 level chess this means that the knight can move to all three levels at the end point of the „L” shape on the board, while it can jump over chess pieces in its way.

The queen moves and captures following the joint rules of the rook and the bishop. So the queen can move and capture along the 2D and 3D lines and diagonals forward, backward, left and right.

The king can move and capture on its own level or to the neighbouring levels in straight lienes or diagonals similarly to the queen, but only one square at a time.